Thursday, March 27, 2014


Things are changing here at the border of Georgia and Australia. With the help of Shayla, whose blog I've come to love dearly, and these tutorials by Rylee Blake, I've given my blog a bit of a makeover. It's a work in progress, and I'm sure some more things will be changing over the next few weeks, but I'm already much happier with the look and feel of this space.

So why the new look and new name?

As my time in Australia continues and I learn more about myself and what I want, I always seem to come back to words. A passion for writing that I can't shake, and a realization that it's a part of who I am in the deepest, truest way. Instead of trying to become someone else, become good at other things, I'm learning to embrace the gifts and talents that I've been given and make the most of them.

I'm still on the border of lots of places and things, but I've started putting down roots. Peach, because I'm Georgia-grown. Lemonade, because I want to always be known as a person who makes the best of whatever circumstances I'm in. A cleaner slate, if you will.

Here's what's coming for this blog. Once a week (twice, if you're lucky!), I'll be posting a positive insight for the week. A thought, a life lesson, an experience worthy of revelation, a book I've finished, whatever. I've joined Bloglovin in an attempt to gain a wider audience, and would love it if you would click on the Bloglovin button on the right side of my blog and follow me there! Even if you don't blog, following this blog and sharing it with your friends would be a huge help to me, and I would so appreciate it! I'll be pursuing freelance writing in some shape, and would love to chat with any of you about projects or opportunities.

The border of Georgia and Australia just got a whole lot bigger.

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