Monday, March 17, 2014

On being an explorer

One of the things I embraced when I moved to Australia was a spirit of adventurousness. I was ready to learn more about the world than I already knew, to step into things that frightened me, to become more than I had been. I was ready to see every sight, from the tourist attractions to the hidden treasures, and I felt limitless. As I've settled in here, though, that spirit has waned just a little bit, making way for a more at-home sort of adventure.

I find that I become more adventurous when I meet new people. We go to see things I've not yet seen and I'm reminded all over again of why I love the adventure. Sometimes we go to see things they've not but I have and I discover newness in the familiar and I feel that spirit well up inside of me.

There's something to be said for going somewhere totally different, for immersing yourself in a brand new journey and discovering everything you can. But there's something to be said, also, for learning how to explore what you think you already know.

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