Monday, May 12, 2014

A belated Mother's Day

My mom has taught me a lot. 

She taught me how to do my laundry and change my sheets. She taught me how to mow grass (or was that Dad?). She taught me how to bake cookies and knead dough and wash dishes. She taught me how to get the temperature of my shower just right.

She taught me that books are better than television or movies, but that it's okay if you like both. She taught me to be diligent with my passions, and to never assume that loving something or someone will make things come more easily. She taught me to have high standards for everything in my life and to never feel guilty for expecting of people what they're capable of giving. She taught me to cut a little slack sometimes, because no one is perfect. She taught me to be respectful and reasonable, but to never discount the worth of drama or hyperbole when you're telling stories. She taught me that romance is wonderful, but it doesn't take away from your worth as a single person. She taught me that a good work ethic is important, but that a job should never compromise your morals or well-being.

She taught me that independence and strength are good things, beautiful things, necessary things, but that they should never come at the expense of other people. She taught me that being remarkable has a lot to do with how often your existence is worthy of recognition and very little to do with how often you are actually recognized.

She taught me that moving across the world takes courage and perseverance, and she taught me that I could do it. 

She taught me that all these things, and so many more, are better taught with actions than words, and in doing so, she taught me how to be effectively quiet.

My mom taught me how to use my voice.

Happy Mother's Day, Mama. You are beautiful and wonderful, and I am so privileged to have a mother like you - someone to teach me everything and still leave room for me to learn on my own.

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