Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Stuff I've heard

A while ago, a friend of mine from university asked me to blog about a single that he was releasing. You might remember reading about that single, titled Invictus, here.

Harrison Thacker (160s), the artist behind that single, recently dropped his new album. And if you enjoyed Invictus, Soul: story of ur life* will be everything you want, and then some. It's an 11-track album, featuring a few other talented creatives, but the main focus of Soul is Harrison. He's written all the tracks himself, which is an accomplishment in and of itself in today's music industry, and the entire album tells an incredible story.

From a fast-paced introduction piece, to more lyrical styles featuring haunting melodies and choruses, to a finish that's as quick as the beginning, Soul: story of ur life takes the listener on a dazzling journey. Harrison writes his lyrics from a perspective that's easily understandable, particularly from that of a 20-something (which he is). He writes about love, loss, and the frustration, challenges, and rewards of breaking into the hip hop industry. Rather than using his energy to separate himself from his audience, he makes himself totally relatable and consequently, quite likeable. Listeners feel like they can understand this person, this condition, and that's a comfort. The plus side? Harrison doesn't leave us hanging onto what-if's and pipe dreams; he's proof that nothing is out of reach. And of course, Invictus makes an appearance.

It's really exciting for me to see this album come out, both because I know and respect Harrison and because it's a great album, plain and simple. I remember saying in my review of Invictus that I don't listen to much of this genre, but if there were more artists like Harrison, I would frequent it much more. This album will absolutely be one that I listen to often, and one I would recommend to anyone who's looking to expand his or her musical experience.

Soul: story of ur life is a phenomenal album, especially for a new, up and coming artist. It's full of spunk and character, in the best sort of way, and is a much needed reminder that good music is often unlike what we consider "mainstream." I remember Harrison burning copies of his EP for me and our other classmates in university, thinking he was talented and wondering if he'd make his dreams a reality.

He has. You should check it out, and go on this journey with him.

Soul: story of ur life is available for free download here. You can also find Harrison on Instagram, @iam16os. He'll be performing in Atlanta, GA this December.

*Please note that multiple tracks on Soul: story of ur life contain explicit language.

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