Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Cup of joe

If you were to sit down with me for a cup of coffee today, I'd tell you about the lovely Thai restaurant where I ate lunch yesterday, a farewell treat as I leave my internship/volunteer position with IJM Australia.

If you were to sit down with me for a cup of coffee today, I'd tell you how excited I am to be almost married to this man of mine. I'd tell you that as much as I've talked about my fast approaching nuptials in the past three months, the fact that the joyous day is now only 25 days away has me giddy.

If you were to sit down with me for a cup of coffee today, I'd tell you the count down to seeing my parents and friends in the States is down to less than seven days, and I can't wait.

If you were to sit down with me for a cup of coffee today, I'd tell you how overwhelming it is to set up home in a new place, when not all your belongings are in the same country. I'd tell you that I love the shopping and the decorating and the organising, but I love even more the idea that someday soon, it will all be finished.

If you were to sit down with me for coffee today, I'd tell you that I have a photoshoot scheduled for Sunday, to promote Dressember, and that I'm simultaneously terrified and excited for what this campaign can hold.

If you were to sit down with me for a cup of coffee today, I'd tell you that I haven't quite finished my book for the month yet, but I'm working on it.

If you were to sit down with me for a cup of coffee today, I'd tell you that I think sometimes it's just as important to linger on the small, seemingly insignificant things as it is to examine the larger things in life, and that maybe this could be a regular thing.

1 comment:

  1. You can't know how proud I am of you and how happy I am for you and how much I love you!
