Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Here, today

Today, I'm in Georgia. My dad takes me to lunch and my mom, home early from work, chats with me during the commercial breaks of her television show. We break out our computers and work, not talking but both so glad for the company.

I'm reminded by the friendly hellos I receive at the coffee shop that I'm always welcome here, by friends not seen in months. I'm reminded that it's possible, in all the best ways, to have more than one home, more than one place where the heart rests.

I had plans for a different blog, one that I considered better. More thought-provoking, more intelligent, but when I sat down to write, it was this. Quite possibly a product of jet-lag, of being nourished by peanut butter m&ms and basking in the comfort of the place I've lived for most of my life, but far more likely the realization that sometimes, less is more.

Sometimes, we need to stop being so thought-provoking, so intelligent, so precise, and start being more gentle. More open.

Today, I miss Stephen, and it thrills me to see that even these 24 hours apart are hard. A confirmation of sorts, if you will. And I am equally thrilled to have this short time here, today, with my parents. With my friends. With my other home, the one that nurtured and prepared me for the new one.

What places do you call home, and how are you celebrating them today?

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