Sunday, July 7, 2013

Adventure is out there

I stood at the kitchen counter this morning drinking coffee and thinking, "Am I happy here? Is this what it feels like to be happy? To be moving forward?" I was struck by the notion that there was no conflict in me. I'd forgotten what it felt like to truly be still, to have contentment. To find it in such a place - where I know very few people and am unfamiliar with the area and culture and I'm not sure where this year is leading - is a wonder. One of those moments that makes you marvel. There's something to be said for packing your life in two suitcases and a backpack and moving to the other side of the world. When I figure out what it is, I'll let you know.

Things I've learned in the past week:

  1. There's always an opportunity for pictures, so don't be afraid to be the person lugging around a camera.
  2. Small touches make a room feel home-y, and having a room that feels home-y keeps the homesickness at bay.
  3. The toilets don't really flush the other way (Sorry, Dr. Burt...)
  4. Driving on the other side of the road is terrifying.
  5. Kids are some of the most accepting people on the planet, so surrounding yourself with them is wise.
  6. Community matters; when you build one, build one with purpose, one that will carry you and let you reciprocate.
  7. Most importantly, the accents here? They really are that cool.


  1. You are becoming wiser and wiser....

  2. I think I would pee my pants every time a car passed in the opposite direction. I don't think I could ever become accustomed to driving on the other side of the road.

  3. 4. I remember the first time I drove on the "other" side of the road, on vacation in England - stick shift, no less ! It was FUN, and a real boost to my self-esteem, to realize that I was co-ordinated enough to do it on the first try !
    5. Yes, one should always keep lots of those baby goats nearby (LOL).
    6. Community not only matters, it's crucial to our well-being; I've been in community, and without one, and "in" has made all the difference.
    Your Mom is right on (as usual) - you are growing in wisdom; what a pleasure to see it happening !
    Love - Grandpa
