Sunday, December 15, 2013

These last 10 days

...have been a whirlwind of frustration and satisfaction, stress and relaxation, holiday bustle and slow summer heat. Between the end-of-school rush, Christmas shopping and celebrating, and making the transition to sundresses and shorts (in December no less), I have to remind myself to breathe. I have to remind myself that this is real life; I came to Australia almost six months ago and I'm still here. Happy, content, joy overdosing.

This is a season of acceptance. Of knowing both where I am and where I'm headed, and realizing the perfection in both. With the new year approaching quickly, there rarely seems to be enough time to accomplish the daily routines, let alone leave time for a complicated thought process about resolutions or reflections or whatever. There is only this place, this day, and the promise that it is all getting better and better, up and up.


  1. Gorgeous ! - my grand-daughter, Oz scenery, and that young lady at # 32 (is she available to go dancing ?)

    Yes, dear - keep breathing; and remember Richard Foster's point in his book, "Disciplines" (which I heartily recommend) - "Hurry is not *of* the Devil; it *is* the Devil" (as I was reminded yesterday in a "blue-light" moment; I was on the way to work & thinking I'd be late for a meeting & I had to get another badge to replace the one I lost Friday [turned the car inside out twice on the weekend - no joy; then got a call that it had been found this morning - in the parking lot !] or else I wouldn't be able to get into the building without piggybacking - thank God for the reminder to SLOW DOWN, and for traffic school to keep the car insurance premium down !)

  2. oops - it's actually "Celebration of Discipline" (can you imagine doing that ?)
