Monday, February 24, 2014

What I know

I go back to America in 98 days.

98 days until I see my parents, until I eat Chick-fil-a, until I can drive the familiar roads around my town and my college. 98 days until I can sit in Blackbird Coffee and drink deeply, not just of my drink itself but the atmosphere. 98 days until I can hang my hammock by the river and spend the day drowning in a book and being interrupted every so often by the casual "Hello" of someone I know passing by.

98 days until I leave behind my for-now family. 98 days until I leave behind these kids that sometimes drive me crazy but whom I love dearly and deeply. 98 days until I'm done interning at International Justice Mission Australia. 98 days until I'm apart from my gentleman for awhile. 98 days until I leave in the hopes of returning, but only 98 more days of being here, certainly.

It is a strange thing, to be ready to be home but not ready to leave.

The more I learn the more aware I become of how many uncertainties are left. But what I know is this: Australia is home. Georgia is home. And it's kind of amazing that I have the privilege of loving both of these places, their sights and smells and sounds and people, equally. So in 98 days I'll say see you soon to Oz and hello for now to Georgia.

And wherever I am and whatever I do, I will be home, so long as my heart is lifted and my feet are planted.

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