Monday, March 3, 2014

Stuff I've read

In January, I made a promise to myself (and consequently, the actual effort) to read more. With the holidays lasting more than halfway through the month, I had ample spare time to eat up new stories, but February got a little busier. Truth be told, I only managed to finish one novel last month, but it was good enough to hold its own.

Mother of Pearl details the intricacies of growing up, whether you're a white adolescent girl who hates her mother or a middle-aged African American man who's realizing he's fallen in love (and no, it's not a creepy love saga). Mother of Pearl is set in Mississippi, in the 50's, and the story is wrought with the delicate issues of civil rights, true love, and the friendships that can spring up as a result of either. My mom actually brought this book with her when she visited me back in November and left it for me, so not only was it an exemplary work, but I also get to share my appreciation of it with someone near and dear to my heart.

Don't be fooled by the Oprah sticker on the front; this book is for keeps. It's both hard to put down and hard to handle, and I found myself setting aside half hour periods to read a few chapters slowly, gritting my teeth over the heartbreaking moments and falling in love with the characters throughout.

“Running to catch up, feeling like he was in a constant state of chasing a shadow, he felt a drop of rain hit him square on the back of the neck. The weight of it so heavy it felt like a rock."

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